Firstly, I would like to apologize for my long absence from the blog world. I had a few concerned messages. A blog post about an accident is not a good way to leave things. With blogging comes responsibility, that I hadn’t thought about earlier. I am all good, just got caught up in work. And one more thought kept me busy. Let me tell you all about it…


We were about to head for a meeting in a minute. “Copy these pages for me, please”, I said to the new trainee at work. “I don’t know how to use a copier” she replied. I sighed. One more addition in the list of things she “did not know”. I explained how to use the copier, just like the million things that I explain to her everyday.

The new trainee is famous in the office for all the wrong reasons. She was hired because of her ‘contacts’. She has no prior experience or skills. Nor the zeal to cultivate any. And she supplements her lack of skill and will with her incredible ability to answer any ten subsequent questions with “I don’t know”. These may ranged from questions about using a copier or Microsoft office to questions about visiting cards. From ignorance about latest international news, to lack of sound knowledge about her graduation subjects, it is like she has never let a speck of knowledge come close to her. She usually has nothing to add to a discussion, regarding work or otherwise. Constant texting during work, turning up late, long lunch breaks, frequent holidays and bland persona makes it all worse.

I started developing a huge dislike for her; partly because a colleague like her becomes more of a liability than any help and partly because I respect well informed individuals more. Or at least someone who can find the pictorial  instruction, the ‘Copy’ button on top of a copier and join the dots in their brain. 

I started watching my behavior with her. Dislike is impolite to reveal but difficult to mask. I tried to find some good in her, so the irking could be cured. Something worthy of respect, so I would not flinch every time I saw her at work. 

While I scrutinized her only to make my working hours easier, I came across one character trait of hers that got me thinking – constant bliss. The adage is right, ignorance is bliss. She would come to the office cheerful and never once have I seen a frown on her forehead. Hurricane Irene does not bother her, Lokpal Bill does not concern her. A bad client meeting was not something to fret about, a bad day just meant more lame jokes and/or more texting. 

The trainee and I were coordinating backstage at a dance show few days later, where things are always subject to Murphy’s law. A dancer fell on his head during a stunt causing an audience of 500 to hold their breath until he got up. He was quickly pulled off the stage. “Does your back hurt too?” I asked him while I instructed the helpers to arrange a place for him to lay down. One dressed his wounds, another got him some water, while another was calling up the doctor. “No, I am okay. Only my head hurts”, the still dazed and bleeding dancer said. “Wow! Champ, if you could take that a nasty head fall, you sure have a strong brain”, the trainee said. The dancer smiled after a long while.

Yup, she has bliss. While all were worried about what could have happened to the dancer, she was unmoved. Yes, I still have ‘not reading newspapers’ and ‘not figuring out a copier’ in my ‘roll-eyes’ list. But the trainee sure has given me a food for thought – rest your thought once in a while. And enjoy the bliss. 

About sayali611

Spent a lifetime building a wall around myself, only to realize that what remained inside was as hideous as anything I would protect myself from. This blog is my attempt to break free, one brick at a time, and to make sense of what was blocked out.

Posted on August 29, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 25 Comments.

  1. Truly, ‘she’ is very inactive. But when read this post I prayed that ‘she’ might not be able to read this post, by chance. 🙂

  2. Sorry! a typo; ‘read’ should be replaced by ‘reading’.

  3. I think we’ve all worked with or know the type of person you’re talking about. My reaction always goes from frustration to amazement to envy. There are times I wish I could be oblivious to everything around me. I always wonder how these folks can muster enough brain cells together to get their lungs to work and their heart to beat. I admire you for finding the good in her. Now, try not to strangle her.

  4. midaevalmaiden

    I have found that sometimes the people who irk me the most, are the very people who end up enriching me in the end. Of course that doesnt diminish how very irksome they are and it doesnt always go down that way. But you have found at least one thing good.

    I got a kick out of your connecting dots in the brain statement. Ive missed you. Glad your back!

    • They do don’t they? Who would have thought I’d get to learn anything from this person! Missed you and the blog too. Now, I have a treat of blogs to read and comment on 🙂

  5. I suppose every busy office needs the “Calm Dude or Dudette” but there also needs to be a balance. Calm and incompetent isn’t a great combo. Neither is frantic and efficient. But rarely do we find the ideal person that is happy, calm, effective, and organized. They are running their own business from home and making a ton of money!

    But you are self-aware enough to notice your feelings and behaviors and think about them. Most people don’t even do that. Good for you! And good luck with the training process!

  6. I’ve been wondering about you….it’s always good to see when your’e writing…to me your view is always one of encouragement… I miss it once in a while…


  7. Oh we have ALL worked with “the trainee” and I will admit that a much younger me was “the trainee” with even less competence! Another way for me to think of your post . . . to be kinder to “the trainees” in my life and remember that I was that blissfully ignorant once, too . . .

    Now, to get the BLISS back for all the things I’m currently ignorant about?! Oh, such a long list . . .

    Your readers are glad and grateful you are BACK!

    • Hahaha..Should have written a disclaimer ‘Resemblance to anyone living or dead is pure coincidence’. But then, yes, bliss is what we all want and this is one risky way I have found to it.
      Its good to be back with you all 🙂

  8. hehe. The more ignorant you portray yourself, the less responsibility you get pass on. Some people love that, esp. since it keeps them from being stressed. So possibly this girl is just being purposefully ignorant 🙂

    • Lol. That is what I thought too. But, you gotta see this one to believe it. She won’t be able to keep herself away from responsibilities for long, but until then..sigh!

  9. I remember having a work experience student who would disappear to get changed before the end of the day – she couldn’t POSSIBLY be seen dead on the train by any school mates in a SKIRT!

    You gotta love ’em. I think.

  10. Love this entry! So honest and humorous. We all know someone like that… I sometimes wish I was ignorant enough to go through life happy. Ignorance is a blessing sometimes!

  11. Definitely had coworkers like that before where you literally have to teach them how to do something 50 times. Glad to hear you’re doing well though!

  12. This post was pure bliss!

  13. I love posts that make me think – this one reminded me to maybe look a little harder for the bliss – but I think too much oblivion would make me crazy. You have a great blog here – I really enjoyed my visit. 🙂 Good luck with the trainee – I hate to say it, but i think you may need it. LOL

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